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Our method

At Lighting The Way, our mission is to help people learn healthy ways to process their grief. Grief is an inevitable part of life that comes in many forms, and we understand it can be difficult to navigate loss and learn how to process the emotions that accompany it. This is why we practice the Grief Recovery Method and are committed to providing all of the tools and resources you need to become a stronger version of yourself.

About The Grief Recovery Institute®

The Grief Recovery Institute was founded in the mid 1980s when a gentleman by the name of John James developed The Grief Recovery Method. He had just suffered a significant loss in his life, and when looking for ways to recover, there wasn’t anything that helped him. This prompted his creation of The Grief Recovery Method, which has since certified Grief Recovery Specialists across the United States and the world.

The Grief Recovery Method

The Grief Recovery Method is the only evidence-based grief recovery program in existence. Since its founding over 30 years ago, the Grief Recovery Method has had one goal in mind: to help people better understand their emotional pain and learn to overcome their grief.

Lighting The Way offers a seven week program that is an action-based process that allows you to take a look at old beliefs about dealing with loss and which losses have affected your life. It also allows you to take actions that will lead you to complete unresolved emotions that may still be causing you pain. Each week includes reading and writing assignments. The groups are seven weeks and are not suitable for drop-ins. Individual sessions are also available.

Types of Loss



Our hearts are broken when loved ones die. So many wish if I only had one more day, I would say this… or I would say that. So often there is a feeling of wanting to have one more loving embrace.

Living Relationships

Living Relationships

We can experience a range of emotional situations with others who are living. Whether we still have associations with them, the unfinished business from that relationship can create emotional loss.



While the physical relationship has ended, the emotional relationship is ongoing. Divorce loss has a way of affecting your future relationships unless the emotional loss has been properly processed.

Childhood Losses

Childhood Losses

Being seen and heard is what so many of us needed in childhood and did not receive. Sometimes there was emotional, physical or sexual abuse which leaves a child with unmet needs and scars. These situations can't be erased but the emotional attachment to the memories can be released.

Senior Citizen Losses

Senior Citizen Losses

Over time, grief gets stored in our bodies, minds and spirit, becoming cumulative. So, when our senior citizens reach this stage, they have been carrying a lifetime of varied losses. These can be loss from retirement, moving, changes in health, and more.

Pet Loss

Pet Loss

We humans are often able to connect much more deeply with our pets than with other humans.

Career Changes

Career Changes

Did you give up your hopes, dreams and expectations because you experienced a career change? It is interesting to realize that this type of loss can exist whether you planned for the change or it was imposed upon you.



There can be conflicting emotions once the baby comes. Both baby and Mom deserve a mom who is capable of being present emotionally.

Myths About Grieving

When you’re grieving, friends and family may try to tell you how to feel and how to recover. Although they have the best intentions, the pieces of advice they give are usually some of the biggest myths about grief and loss recovery. Have you heard or been told one of the following?

If so, you’re not alone. Grief and the emotions that accompany it are complex and tough to navigate, which is exactly why you should seek the support you need.

Download Your Free Grief Recovery Ebook

Find the Light Within Grief

No matter which kind of grief or loss you are navigating, Lighting the Way can help you find the light again. Together, we can shift through your unfinished business, address your grief and develop skills to recover from the weight you have been carrying with you.

Discover How Lighting The Way Can Help

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