A big part of going through life is cultivating relationships. These can be with family members, friends, and work colleagues. When a person close to us passes or we lose a bond, the grief that follows can be overwhelming. Relationships are important pieces of how we build our self-image, and when one is lost forever, it affects our self-esteem. Having a positive relationship with yourself is a crucial part of dealing with grief and loss in healthy ways.
At Lighting the Way, the grief recovery method guides the healing process. Grief and self-esteem are intertwined in integral ways. A big part of managing loss successfully is healing your relationship with yourself. Today we are exploring strategies of how to improve your relationship with yourself.
Improving Self-Esteem
As straightforward as this advice is, improving self-esteem is a monumental task that takes time, consistency, and vigilance. Every day, and in some cases every hour, we experience fluctuations of our self-worth. Simple things like interactions with coworkers, deadlines, conversations with friends and family impact us mentally and emotionally. Implementing conscientious habits and behavior changes effectively improves self-esteem over time. Consider adding these types of strategies into your routine:
- Set realistic goals.
- Hold yourself accountable.
- Be kind to yourself.
- Correct negative thoughts as they occur.
- Affirm your successes and achievements.
- Maintain healthy self-care habits.
- Do not feel selfish when treating yourself.
- Build relationships with people who positively impact you.
- Set aside time to relax.
- Pursue your hobbies and passions.
How to Take Care of Yourself Mentally
Mental health is a key part of self-worth. The more you neglect to take care of your mind, the more you set up a negative self-image. This becomes a toxic cycle that needs to be broken before it can be repaired. If you are unsure whether you need to address your mental health, review the questions below:
- Do you experience anxiety, depression, or panic regularly?
- How often do you feel in control of your moods?
- What activities do you use to relax?
- Do you have any accomplishments in the last six months that you are proud of?
- What hopes and dreams do you have for the future?
If your answers to these questions follow themes of hopelessness, unhappiness, or listlessness, then it is time to start working on improving your mental health. Professional counseling and therapy are great resources to get the ball rolling towards positive change.
Grief and Self-Care
If you are experiencing low self-esteem and poor mental health when a death occurs, grief can cause a domino effect of neglected personal care. It is important not to let the emotions that come with bereavement overwhelm you. By building up your self-relationship and mental health prior to a loss, you will be able to maintain a healthy self-care routine.
Heal Your Self Relationship | Lighting the Way
It is amazing to see how intertwined self-esteem, self-image, and self-worth are to our emotional well-being. Grief is inherently a difficult process that brings up a mix of feelings and by establishing a strong positive self-relationship prior to death or loss, you are preparing yourself to handle bereavement effectively. At Lighting the Way, we offer sessions and classes that provide a collaborative space for you to work on your self-relationship with our professional counselors. If you feel overwhelmed and self-deprecating after a loss, book your session with Lighting the Way today.